Question: Which country has the most Filipino immigrants?

The United States is home to by far the largest number of Filipinos abroad. Other top destinations include Saudi Arabia (629,000), Canada (627,000), the United Arab Emirates (556,000), Australia (281,000), and Japan (256,000), according to mid-2019 United Nations Population Division estimates.

Which state has the highest Filipino population?

California Among the 1,814,000 Philippines-born Filipino Americans, the states with the largest concentrations are California (44.8%), Hawaii (6.2%), New Jersey (4.8%), Texas (4.8%), and Illinois (4.7%) .Population concentrations.StatesFilipino alone or in any combinationArizona70,333United States4,037,56411 more rows

What country love Philippines the most?

True, the populations of richer countries are, on average, slightly more likely to feel loved than those of poorer countries .2020 Was Almost Worse Than 2008.RankCountryPercent Feeling Love1Philippines93%2Rwanda92%3Puerto Rico90%4Hungary89%132 more rows•14 Feb 2014

Is Philippines a good country to live?

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Forbes Magazine acknowledged the Top 15 Friendliest Countries based on the result of the HSBCs “Expat Explorer Survey” which had been released last month. The Philippines was able to rank as the Top 8 among the world and 1st in Asia.

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