Question: Does plenty of fish delete inactive accounts?

Plenty of Fish does not have a published policy about when it deletes inactive accounts. So, if you dont delete your account or put it on hold, your account may remain active indefinitely. If you want to keep your account private after your death, do not rely on Plenty of Fish to eventually delete your profile.

Does plenty of fish delete accounts?

Unfortunately, the app version of Plenty of Fish does not give you the option to delete your account. Youll need to use a mobile web browser like Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla to do this on a mobile device. But, the steps are very similar.

How do you get an inactive account on Plenty of Fish?

After you select the Edit Profile link, at the top of the page you will see a line of text that reads, To hide your profile from others, click here. Go ahead and click this link. This will hide your profile, and you will no longer appear in the search results of other POF users. Unhide your profile.

How do I permanently delete my tinder account?

Permanently deleting your account Sign in to the Tinder app or Tap the profile icon. Go to Settings. Scroll down and select Delete Account.

Do inactive Tinder accounts get deleted?

Use Tinder when youre out, use Tinder when in doubt! But, if you dont log in to your Tinder account in 2 years, we may delete your account for inactivity.

What happens if you delete Tinder account?

What happens if you delete your Tinder account? If you delete your Tinder account, all matches and messages wont be available to you and will be deleted. You can come back with the same Facebook account or a phone number in the future, but for now, you wont appear to others on the app.

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