Question: How do I know if my cast-iron is valuable?

There should be a manufacturer logo marked on the pan, often with the stock number or city it was manufactured in. Check for rust. Real cast iron easily rusts, so if you see orange or red rusting on the pan it is likely true cast iron.

Is scrap cast iron worth anything?

The prices offered by scrap yards for cast Iron scrap are usually very low. The prices are dependent on the quality of the metals and their source. A cast iron in relatively good condition can fetch better prices than cast iron that is old, rusted and worn out.

How can you tell the difference between wrought iron and cast iron?

Actually, the basic distinction between the two is simple: Cast iron is iron that has been melted, poured into a mold, and allowed to cool. Wrought iron is iron that has been heated and then worked with tools. In fact, the term “wrought” derived from the past participle of the word “worked.”

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