Question: What is the best app in Thailand?

Which app is mostly used in Thailand?

LINE is by far the most popular messenger app in Thailand, yes thats right much more popular than WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Originally from Japan it gained huge popularity within days after its launch in early 2012 and right now it has almost 40 million active users in Thailand.

What is Thailand app?

ThailandPlus is the evolution of Thailands contract tracing efforts that started last year with the Thai Chana and Mor Chana applications. All three use GPS and Bluetooth to detect locations visited via a mobile phone combined with QR code scanning that records a travellers journey.

Is WhatsApp used in Thailand?

1. Re: Does Whatsapp work in Thailand? It works.

Just the 20th most popular social app in the world, LINE nevertheless enjoys tremendous popularity in Thailand. The service originated in Japan, where its makers designed a distinctive chat environment based heavily around stickers.

What is a LINE account in Thailand?

LINE Official account for brands and companies. You can use it to send general information, sales and marketing activities, and special promotions to your customers. LINE Official Account is also equipped with various features that will help customers know the specialty of your company, brand, and products.

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