Question: Is he just naturally flirty?

If hes a natural flirt, hes probably not putting too much thought into his actions when hes friendly with other people--thats just how he is. Not every flirty person becomes nervous when around their crush, so if theyre not suddenly getting shy, it doesnt necessarily mean they dont like you.

How do you tell if a guy is a natural flirt?

If he hugs you or touches your hand or leg when he is talking to you, those are signs that a guy likes you. Watch how he is around other girls. If he touches them and acts the same way around them that he does you, he may naturally be a flirt.

Can you be naturally flirty?

Unfortunately, were not all natural born flirts. Even some of the most confident people can freeze up around someone they have feelings for. But thats okay, because like most things, this is something that you can improve on.

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