Question: What mental illness does Dr House have?

Antisocial personality disorder has frequently been discussed on the show, and the primary character, Gregory House, was diagnosed with the disorder in Broken.

What does Dr House suffer from?

clinical depression During his stay it is revealed by Dr. Nolan that House suffers from clinical depression, has antisocial tendencies, an inflated ego and severe trust issues. Dr. Nolan at one point even took House to a gathering in an effort to make House open up to people.

Does Dr House have BPD?

Gregory House exhibits many of the characteristics of someone with BPD, but has instead been diagnosed on at least one occasion with antisocial personality disorder.

What mental disorder does Jan Levinson have?

The diagnosis that seems to fit most appropriately for Scott is Histrionic Personality Disorder (301.50). Mr. Scott displays dysfunctions in many, if not all, of the above categories. His thoughts are consumed by his thinking that he is a comedian, consistently referring to his improv classes and impersonations.

Why did House lose his mind?

The procedure left him with independently functioning left and right brain hemispheres and two distinct personalities, resulting in loss of conscious control over some of his actions, including those of his left hand, a condition known as alien hand syndrome.

Why is everyone in the office so weird?

Over the years, the radon in the building caused many of the Dunder Mifflin employees to develop brain cancer, greatly altering their personalities the longer they worked in the building. The flanderization of their characters is the direct result of radon poisoning in their brains.

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