Question: Is it OK to have male friends in a relationship?

It is absolutely okay to have guy friends. Basically, dont do anything you wouldnt like your SO doing. If you usually hug your guy friends and hang out alone with them and feel comfortable, then continue to do so! Its healthy to keep platonic relationships with the opposite sex (assume youre straight).

Should I let my girlfriend have male friends?

You may begin to form friendships with them as well. While its totally acceptable — even natural — to feel a bit insecure, she wants a guy who is cool with her having male friends because he knows how much she cares about him.

Is it OK for married woman to have male friends?

Many married women (and married men) insist that having a best friend of the opposite sex is perfectly healthy. In fact, they say that opposite-sex friends make better friends because they bring very different perspectives to the relationship. First, healthy friendship involves emotional intimacy, as well it should.

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