Question: Why are so many people with learning disabilities not in a relationship?

There are many reasons why people with learning disabilities have fewer sexual and romantic relationships. These include: Needing support to access their community and to meet new people. People feeling uncomfortable with the idea of people with learning disabilities displaying sexual behaviour.

Why do so many people have learning disabilities?

Learning disabilities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological factors that alter brain functioning in a manner which affects one or more cognitive processes related to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math.

Can a child grow out of a learning disability?

Learning disabilities affect everyone They can run in families. They are not generally treatable via medicine. Those with learning disabilities have average to above average intelligence, yet 20 percent of students with a learning disability drop out of school. You do not grow out of a learning disability.

False! By definition, a learning disability can only be diagnosed in someone with average or above-average intelligence. Those with learning disabilities often have a high IQ — however, the LD is holding them back from demonstrating their true intelligence in daily achievements.

Does a learning disability mean low IQ?

5) Does LD mean you have a lower IQ? No. Learning disabilities, by definition, mean that a persons skills in a particular area (reading, math, visual/auditory processing, etc.) are lower than would be expected by looking at the persons overall IQ.

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