Question: When someone asks for your Skype What do you give them?

You give to them the Skype Name. However if you give to them your email account associated to your Skype account they could find you too.

What Skype ID should I give?

Which ID should I use if I selected Skype as my Communication Tool? We suggest that you use your Skype Name as a unique identifier so that your account can be easily found by your teacher.

What is your Skype name used for?

Your Skype Name is the username that was created when you first joined Skype that may have been autogenerated for you. This is a unique identifier that is used to help others find you in Skype search, which cannot be changed or modified.

What does a Skype address look like?

Your Skype name is a unique ID for your account, appearing as a string of numbers and letters starting with the word live. Your Skype ID can be found on your Skype profile, in both the iPhone and Android mobile app, and in the desktop app. The processes for both are almost identical.

Is Skype ID your email?

Your Skype Name is the name created when you first joined Skype, other than your email address or phone number. If you sign in with an email address or phone number instead, then youll have a Skype Name tied to your Microsoft account. Where can I find my Skype Name?

Is it safe to give my Skype ID?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to hide your Skype name from your contacts. Your Skype Name is available to them when viewing your Profile screen. If your Skype Name has the form live:name, then it is indeed possible to guess the domain of the email associated with this name.

How do I know what my Skype address is?

Where can I find my Skype Name? Select your profile picture. Select Skype profile, and both your Skype Name and the account youre signed in with are displayed in your profile.

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