Question: Why husbands are not attracted to their wives?

Why is my husband not interested in me sexually?

There are many factors that might be affecting his sex drive—an undiagnosed medical condition, a side effect of a medication, a hormonal imbalance, stress, depression, low self-esteem, trauma, or even problems in your marriage that he hasnt brought up.

Why is my husband not attracted to his wife?

A loss of attraction in a relationship can sometimes come as a result of the natural physical changes that can alter our partners appearance or change our own sexual desires. Additionally, your loss of physical, sexual, or romantic attraction to your partner might stem from non-physical changes in your relationship.

What do you do when your husband doesnt find you attractive?

Consider couples therapy or relationship coaching When your husband is no longer attracted to you, going for couples therapy or getting some online relationship coaching is a really good idea. Julie, your husband may well be up for that because clearly he is also unhappy however badly hes expressed it.

What does it mean if your husband doesnt touch you?

Are you tired of begging for attention from your husband? If he doesnt touch you anymore or kiss you anymore, or if he just has no passion for you, its so lonely. Maybe hes sleeping in another room or keeping you at arms length, maybe he doesnt want sex anymore or recoils when you touch him.

Can you be lonely in a marriage?

Its actually common to be married but lonely, but that doesnt mean its something you should expect or accept in a marriage. Often loneliness in a marriage stems from a lack of connection, a lack of effort in the relationship, or a lack of individuation—or some combination of these factors.

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