Question: What does it mean when someone holds your hand?

If hes holding your hand with both of his, it means hes giving you his full attention. If the grip is firm but not interlaced, it suggests, One person [is] holding onto the other more tightly, says Coleman, likely because the holder is offering comfort or reassurance.

What does it mean if a guy holds your hand tightly?

When he holds your hand, he presses his palm against yours. This kind of full-on hand-holding signifies a desire to connect. The same goes for interlocking fingers. On the other hand, an arched palm means he is scared or may be holding something back.

Why would a guy hold your hand?

If a man initiates hand-holding, you can bet hes looking for more of a physical connection. If hes holding your hand with both of his, it means hes giving you his full attention.

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