In the series finale, it is revealed that Ally is married to Austin and they have two children named Alex and Ava. Raini Rodriguez as Trish, Allys best friend and Austins manager.
Does Austin ever date Ally?
Austin realized his feelings for Ally in Campers & Complications and they almost kissed in the end of the episode. Austin and Ally shared their first kiss in Chapters & Choices, but Kira ruined the moment saying shed be Austins girlfriend, leaving Ally heartbroken. They became a couple in Partners & Parachutes.
Does Austin and Ally end up dating?
Austin and Ally totally end up together. Heres how it all went down: At some point during Allys time at Harvard, she and Austin call it quits. Backstage, Ally is getting nervous about performing a song on The Helen Show, especially since its a love song and Austin will be there.