Question: Is it safe to give your address to a PenPal?

Tips: Talk to your penpal before exchanging addresses and use common sense. Dont give your address to someone sketchy or someone you dont trust. Youre free to include anything you want to send to your penpal.

How many people use slowly app?

1 million users Slowly was released on iOS in 2017 and its version 2.0 on Android a year later. It was featured as App Stores App of the Day in over 30 regions worldwide. It was also awarded 2019s Best Breakthrough App by Google Play. By January 2019, it had reached 1 million users.

Why having a pen pal is good?

Supports Development of Social Skills Introverted tweens may particularly benefit socially from having a pen pal. A pen pal gives them the time and space to find the right words (they often freeze if they have to talk before they think) and naturally promotes a deep, less superficial relationship that introverts crave.

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