Question: What if Capricorn in relationship with a Capricorn?

Capricorn and Capricorn make a great pair as they both expect totally similar things from their relationship. They both quest into deeper things and expect the least out of each other. Capricorn and Capricorn make a great pair and their compatibility falls somewhere near 90%.

Why do Capricorns hate Capricorns?

Capricorns are most hated because they are overly serious. Their serious nature can make them come off as standoffish and rigid.

Do Capricorn and Capricorn make a good couple?

Capricorn and Capricorn make a great pair as they both expect totally similar things from their relationship. They both quest into deeper things and expect the least out of each other. Capricorn and Capricorn make a great pair and their compatibility falls somewhere near 90%.

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