Question: Who is the best psychiatrist for borderline personal disorder?

Should I see a psychiatrist for BPD?

People with borderline personality disorder symptoms (including impulsiveness, reckless behavior, unstable self-image, dramatic mood swings, and a history of broken relationships) should be assessed by a mental health professional.

What type of therapist is best for BPD?

Types of psychotherapy that have been found to be effective include:Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Schema-focused therapy. Mentalization-based therapy (MBT). Systems training for emotional predictability and problem-solving (STEPPS). Transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP). Good psychiatric management.Jul 17, 2019

What is the most successful approach to treating borderline personality disorder?

DBT is the most studied treatment for BPD and the one shown to be most effective. Mentalization-based therapy (MBT) is a talk therapy that helps people identify and understand what others might be thinking and feeling.

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