Question: What is the most atheist state?

On a state level, it is not clear whether the least religious state resides in New England or the Western United States, as the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) ranked Vermont as the state with the highest percentage of residents claiming no religion at 34%, but a 2009 Gallup poll ranked Oregon as

What was the first atheist country?

Albania Albania is constitutionally a secular state since 1967, and as such, neutral in questions of belief and conscience: The former Communist government declared Albania as the worlds first atheist state, even though the Soviet Union had already done so.

What is the oldest religion in the Middle East?

In the Middle East, Zoroastrianism is found in central Iran. Today, there are estimated to be under 20,000 Zoroastrians in Iran. It is one of the oldest monotheistic religions as it was founded 3500 years ago. It was also one of the most powerful religions in the world for about 1000 years.

What was the 1st religion?

Hinduism is the worlds oldest religion, according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back more than 4,000 years.

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