Question: Which tribe is the most intelligent in South Africa?

Igbo people are some of the smartest and brightest tribes in Africa and they continue to maintain their spot as some of the most intelligent people in the world as several successful igbo people show this.Igbo people are some of the smartest and brightest tribes in Africa and they continue to maintain their spot as some of the most intelligent people in the world as several successful igbo people show this.

Which tribe is the most educated tribe in Africa?

Despite all odds of apartheid system of government that lasted for 50 years, Venda stand a top of all the South African ethnic groups as the most educated and intelligent tribe. They occupy and run almost 60 of professional post in Gauteng and some parts of South Africa.

Which tribe is the best in South Africa?

Zulu is one of the most popular tribes in Africa. One reason why the tribe is so widely known is because of Shakaland, which is acknowledged worldwide as the birthplace of the legendary chief Shaka Zulu. With an estimated population of 11 million people, Zulu is known to be the largest ethnic group in South Africa.

Which tribe is the most intelligent tribe in the world?

The most intelligent people in the world are Ashkenazi Jews. 180 to 220 people of all time 40 smartest people who have the highest in.

Who is the most intelligent person in South Africa?

Omphile Tswai is a two-year-old boy from Pretoria with the ability to read anything. Tswai can also identify colours, as well as shapes like hexagons and trapezoids.

What is the dominant tribe in South Africa?

The largest ethnic group in South Africa is the Zulu and the majority of them live in KwaZulu Natal Province and Gauteng Province. The second largest is the Xhosa group; they are located in the Eastern Cape Province and Western Cape Province.

Who is the smartest kid in the world right now?

Abdulrahman Hussain: Egyptian boy named smartest child in the world

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