Louisville Slugger bats have been used by historic legends like Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron. Today, more professional baseball players use Louisville Slugger bats than any other brand. Their bat prices range from $19.99 to $399.99.
Whats a Louisville Slugger bat worth?
It marries the Official Bat of Major League Baseball with the Official Glove (Wilson) of Major League Baseball. Rumors of a potential acquisition began a month ago with an estimated valuation of the Louisville Slugger brand at less than $100 million. Milwaukee-based investment bank Robert W.
How do you date a Louisville Slugger bat?
By matching the samples with the logo on your bat, you could approximately date your Louisville Slugger to that era. Variations in branding for 125 professional model bats could narrow down the years, as described by visiting the link provided. This is the earliest label used.
What is a good price for a baseball bat?
In general, one bat costs $75-$185. A team discount could make it cost approximately $40-$60. According to CNBC, about 30 companies are certified to supply bats to MLB players. Top bat brands include Louisville Slugger, Marucci, Victus, Old Hickory, and Rawlings.
What is the most expensive baseball glove?
Rawlings Primo That glove, called the Bill Doak, began an evolutionary process that today culminates in the Rawlings Primo, the most expensive baseball glove ever made. It costs $400.