Question: What should you not wear in Brazil?

We dont recommend jeans or long pants—youll get uncomfortably hot. If youre going to the beach or just wandering through the streets, choose beach shorts and light t-shirts with sandals or flip flops. If you are going to a restaurant, choose more up-scale shorts with casual shoes and maybe a polo shirt.

Can I wear shorts in Brazil?

In general, the country is generally casual and comfortable. However, the style is more formal in cities such as São Paulo – the NYC of Brazil. Brazilians are proud of their bodies, they like to wear fitted clothing and show a little skin. dress with a casual feel, think jeans, shorts and t-shirts or tunics.

How do I not look like a tourist in Brazil?

If youre going to the beach or just wandering through the streets, choose beach shorts and light t-shirts with sandals or flip flops. If you are going to a restaurant, choose more up-scale shorts with casual shoes and maybe a polo shirt. This is how many Nordestinos (men from the North Eastern) like to dress!

How do Brazilians shake hands?

In Brazil, handshakes are usually firm, although some may prefer lighter handshakes. Brazilians usually take the time to greet each person individually, making direct eye contact. In a group or social setting, the person arriving is expected to greet everyone first.

How do you introduce yourself in Brazil?

0:323:14How to Introduce Yourself in Brazilian Portuguese - YouTubeYouTube

The consumption of alcoholic beverages in Brazil is only legally authorized to people above 18. However, adolescents can easily buy and drink alcohol.

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