Question: How do you hook up an outdoor gas grill?

Can you run a natural gas BBQ on propane?

Nothing can ruin the perfect backyard barbecue faster than running out of propane for the grill. Switching your propane gas grill to use natural gas is actually a pretty simple conversion, and with this handy guide, youll know everything you need to know.

Can I use natural gas fittings for propane?

The two are not interchangeable; each fuel source requires special gas utilization fittings. If you want to switch between the two, youll need a conversion kit for the appliances manufacturer for the installation process.

Can you grill on a covered patio?

Grill-maker Weber offers similar advice: “Always keep your grill at least 5 feet from any combustible materials, including your house, garage, deck rails and car. Never use a grill indoors or under a covered patio.”

Can you use flexible gas for propane?

Do not connect a flexible gas connector line directly to an LP gas tank. To avoid dangerous over-pressures, fire, or explosion he appliance must be connected through a gas pressure regulator, never directly to a gas tank or other gas source (that will be at higher pressure).

Is there a difference between propane and natural gas hose?

Finally, a natural gas grill requires a longer gas hose – 10′ vs. 1′ on a propane grill – so this will increase the cost of your grill slightly at the time of purchase. Bottom line: there is NO performance difference between propane and natural gas unless youre grilling in the arctic.

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