Question: Are Virgo and Virgo compatible?

Overall, a Virgo-Virgo relationship is a decent match. These two will understand one another from the beginning, and will push and challenge each other throughout their relationship. It will be important for them to learn how to express their feelings and curb their tendency toward criticism.

Do Virgos like compliments?

Virgos are sensitive creatures who typically hold themselves in high regard because they know they put a great deal of effort into everything they do. Compliments like You look beautiful today or Youre my best friend are definitely appreciated and will go a long way.

What makes Virgo happy?

Virgos attention to detail and diligent love for order make them euphoric when their environment is neat and tidy. Virgos have an affinity for beauty, and a well put together space is one of the most beautiful things to them. Their earth element means that Virgos rely on structure and order.

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