for country code +233 - Ghana The maximum number length (excluding the country code) is 9 digits.
What is the number of Ghana?
+233 Ghana/Dialing codes
How do you write a Ghana phone number?
International Dialing and phone number format When calling Ghana from overseas, you drop the leading 0, so a mobile number like 024 222 3344, would be Ghana country code 00233 and then the Ghana number. A landline number in Accra like 030 255 6677, would be Ghana country code 00233 and then the Ghana landline number.
Which country is using this number +233?
Ghana +1USA and Canada+233Ghana+234Nigeria+235Chad+236Central African Republic229 more rows
What is a zip code for Ghana?
For example, the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park & Mausoleum in Accra is located in postal code GA184, where GA represents the postcode district - G for the Greater Accra Region and A for the Accra Metropolitan District - and 184 represents the postcode area. Examples of postal codes are GA107, EO1070, and N503074.
What is Ghana area code?
+233 Ghana/Dialing codes
Which country has +37 code?
CAMEROON International Dialing CodeSerial No.Country NameDialing Codes35BURUNDI25736CAMBODIA85537CAMEROON23738CANADA1159 more rows
What is zip code Ghana Kumasi?
The address AK-039-5028 is for the Kumasi Main Post Office. In a deconstructed form, AK-039 is the postal code for the area, A refers to the region of the location (Ashanti Region), while K refers to the district (Kumasi District), 5028 is the unique address within the postal code.
What did Ghana number start with?
Telephone numbers in GhanaLocationTypical format03X XXX XXXXAccess codesCountry calling code+233International call prefix007 more rows
How does Ghana number look like?
The Ghana telephone numbering plan is the system used for assigning telephone numbers in Ghana .Telephone numbers in Ghana.LocationTypical format03X XXX XXXXAccess codesCountry calling code+233International call prefix007 more rows
Which country has +20 code?
Telephone numbers in EgyptLocationTypeclosedAccess codesCountry calling code+20International call prefix005 more rows