Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a process in which a pre-irradiated (exposed to ionizing radiation) material when subjected to an appropriate optical stimulation, emits a light signal proportional to the absorbed dose. The wavelength of the emitted light is the characteristic of the OSL material.
How does optically stimulated luminescence dating work?
Optically-Stimulated Luminescence is a late Quaternary dating technique used to date the last time quartz sediment was exposed to light. Once this sediment is deposited and subsequently buried, it is removed from light and is exposed to low levels of natural radiation in the surrounding sediment.
What is optically stimulated luminescence used for?
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a technique used to date fossils in geological sediments through ionized radiation to determine the last time a mineral was exposed to sunlight.
How does an OSL dosimeter work?
OSL dosimeters are of more recent vintage than thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Radiation energy deposited in the material promotes electrons from the valence band to the conduction band. When it is time to assess the dose, the trapped electrons are freed by exposing the dosimeter to light.
What does optical dating mean?
noun. Archaeology. A technique for determining the time since a mineral sediment was last exposed to sunlight, in which electrons trapped at light-sensitive locations within the mineral are excited using an intense light source, and the resulting luminescence is measured.
How does a thermoluminescent dosimeter work?
A thermoluminescent dosimeter, or TLD, is a type of radiation dosimeter, consisting of a piece of a thermoluminescent crystalline material inside a radiolucent package. When a thermoluminescent crystal is exposed to ionizing radiation, it absorbs and traps some of the energy of the radiation in its crystal lattice.
What is the advantage of using TLD?
The advantages of a TLD over other personnel monitors is its linearity of response to dose, its relative energy independence, and its sensitivity to low doses. It is also reusable, which is an advantage over film badges.
What is the most sensitive personnel dosimeter?
The pocket ionization chamber, which resembles an ordinary fountain pen, is considered to be the most sensitive type of personnel dosimeter.
What is the difference between TLD and OSL?
The essential difference between a TLD dosimeter and an OSL dosimeter regarding the way that each dosimeter works is that a TLD dosimeter requires heat in order to function, whereas an OSL dosimeter only requires optical stimulation.
Who needs dosimeter?
Who needs a dosimeter? Radiation workers who operate x-ray machines, flouroscopy units, certain unsealed and sealed radioisotopes or are exposed to other sources of gamma or high energy beta radiation are generally required to wear one or more dosimeters.
What are disadvantages of TLD?
Disadvantages of TLDs Each dose cannot be read out more than once. The readout process effectively “zeroes” the TLD.
What does the company OSL stand for?
outsourced sales leadership Established in 2012, OSL (the acronym is short for outsourced sales leadership), based in Mississauga, Ont., provides clients with a range of customized performance-related services including retail and direct sales, merchandising and customer acquisition.