Question: What are the expectations of a woman in a relationship?

They expect to be treated with kindness, love, affection, and respect. They do not tolerate emotional or physical abuse. They expect their partner to be loyal. This does not mean they expect their relationship to be free of conflict.

What are your expectations in relationship?

Following are 8 such basics you have a right to expect from every romantic relationship.Affection. Compassion. Respect. Consideration. Time. Interest. Intimacy. Generosity.10 Feb 2016

What does a girl expect from her partner?

If you plan a long drive or a long night together, safety is important. A girl expects her boyfriend to care about what troubles her, who causes her to worry. She expects to take care before you get on with going wild. She should know without asking that you will take care of her if she downs too many shots.

What makes a woman high value to a man?

A high-value woman is many things, but above and beyond, she is a woman who knows her value and only wants people in her life who values her, too. She owns, loves, and respects herself and knows her life is no less abundant without a man in it-and that is what makes her a high-value woman.

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