Question: What are the age of consent laws in California?

The legal age of consent in California is 18 years old. The age of consent refers to the age at which a person can legally marry and/or engage in sexual acts.

Can a 21 year old date a 17 year old in California?

Criminal Defense » Can a 21 year old date a 17 year old in California? » Can a 21 year old date a 17 year old in California? Yes, so long as the relationship is not sexual. If they have sexual intercourse, the 21-year-old can face criminal charges for statutory rape if they are not married.

Updated February 26, 2021 Playlist: Age of Consent VideosWatch this playlist on YouTube The age of consent in Califonia is 18. The legal age of consent refers to the age at which a person can legally consent to engage in sexual intercourse. This age is the same for males and females.

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