Question: What is the heaviest whitetail deer ever killed?

From what we can gather, the heaviest whitetail ever shot was killed by a bow-hunter, John Annett of Ontario, in 1977. The deer field dressed 431 pounds on government-certified scales. That would have given it an estimated live weight of more than 540 pounds.

What is the world record for heaviest deer?

The largest deer is the Alaskan moose (Alces alces gigas). A bull standing 2.34 m (7 ft 8 in) tall between pegs and weighing an estimated 816 kg (1,800 lb) was shot in the Yukon Territory of Canada in September 1897.

What is the biggest whitetail deer ever?

Missouri Monarch This buck is known as the Missouri Monarch. A mature Missouri buck that showcased some serious head gear that totaled up to a staggering 333 7/8 inches, making it the largest scored whitetail ever. The B&C world record was found by a hunter in St. Louis County, Missouri, back in 1981.

What is the highest scoring whitetail deer on record?

At the 22nd Big Game Awards Program in Dallas, Texas, the Boone and Crockett Club Judges Panel declared Hansons buck the new worlds record typical whitetail with a final score of 213-5/8 points.

Who killed the biggest buck in the world?

The story of the top whitetail ever shot is as great as the deer. When 15-year-old Tony Lovstuen pulled the trigger of his muzzleloader on the afternoon of Sept. 29, 2003, he ended the reign of a buck that already was world famous.

What is the fattest deer?

For years researched showed the heaviest whitetail deer on record was killed in Minnesota by Carl Lenader in 1926 and weighed 511 pounds. The animal dressed out at 402 pounds.

Whats considered a trophy buck?

To most, it is probably a deer with antlers that score over a certain minimum. For others, a trophy is in the age of the animal, not the antlers. If you subscribe to the thinking that the older a buck gets, the more difficult it is to kill, then yes, age is the measure of a trophy.

What state kills the most deer?

The states with the most antlered deer killed per square mile were Michigan, 3.7 per square mile; Pennsylvania, 3.6; South Carolina, 3.2; Maryland, 3.0; New Jersey, 2.6; New York, 2.6; and Wisconsin, 2.6.

What state can you shoot the most deer?

15 | 1. Mississippi. Deer Per Square Mile: 42.6. 1 | 15. Arkansas. Deer Per Square Mile: 19.2. 2 | 14. North Carolina. Deer Per Square Mile: 20.5. 3 | 13. Connecticut. Deer Per Square Mile: 20.6. 4 | 12. Kentucky. Deer Per Square Mile: 20.8. 5 | 11. New York. Deer Per Square Mile: 21.2. 6 | 10. Georgia. 7 | 9. Maryland.More items •3 Nov 2016

Is a 140 inch buck big?

By comparison, most hunters consider a buck whose antlers score 120 inches in B&C system to be desirable. A 140-inch buck is a slammer, and a 150 is the buck of a lifetime for about 99 percent of todays hunters. Non-typical (nonsymmetrical) category racks must be 165 for gun hunters, and 145 for bowhunters.

What is considered a good whitetail buck?

Good bucks will have at least seven or eight inch second points. Outstanding animals may have G-2s 9-11 inches long. The third point may be shorter or longer than the second, but it too should be eight inches or longer on an outstanding buck.

What is the best state to hunt whitetail deer?

The 10 Best States to Hunt Whitetail Deer in the U.S.Missouri.Illinois. Kansas. Iowa. Mississippi. Texas. South Carolina. Georgia. While its placement on this list may come as a surprise to many, the quality of whitetail hunting in Georgia has increased greatly over the years. More items

Which state kills the most deer?

The states with the most antlered deer killed per square mile were Michigan, 3.7 per square mile; Pennsylvania, 3.6; South Carolina, 3.2; Maryland, 3.0; New Jersey, 2.6; New York, 2.6; and Wisconsin, 2.6.

What state does not have deer?

White-tailed deer are found in every state in the U. S. except Alaska and in only small parts of Utah, Nevada and California.

Is a 150 inch deer big?

Picking the right hunt at the right time is the most important factor by far. For most of us a 150-inch whitetail is the deer of a lifetime and is a great buck anywhere in the world.

Where was Milo Hanson buck killed?

Saskatchewan Hansen killed the world record holder, which scored 213 5/8 B&C, in Saskatchewan after the bus driver told him which field it had been hanging out in.

What score is considered a trophy buck?

The minimum typical, net score for P&Y is 125 inches; for Boone and Crockett, it is 160. So is a trophy nothing more than a bunch of numbers? For some hunters, yes. For others, a trophy is in the age of the animal, not the antlers.

What state has the largest whitetail bucks?

Heres a rundown of where to go in the top 10 states that over the last decade produced the greatest number of whitetail B&C entries.Wisconsin. Wisconsin is easily the top producer of B&C whitetails. Kentucky. Ohio. Indiana. Iowa. Minnesota. Illinois. Kansas.More items •28 Aug 2018

How big is a 150 inch buck?

around 7-8 inches This measurement is around 7-8 inches. After you have referenced your initial measurements you will be ready to start field scoring the buck. Take a look at the picture above to memorize the reference points.

Who shot the Hanson buck?

For those unfamiliar, in November of 2006, Wisconsin hunter Johnny King shot an absolute beast of a buck on opening morning of rifle season in Grant County, Wisconsin. The monster 12-pointer grossed in the 220s and netted over 215 inches when it was first taped by a Boone and Crockett official.

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