Question: What should I say to my Italian girlfriend?

How do you compliment an Italian woman?

Italian compliments for a woman:Come sei carina! (“How cute you are!” )Come sei dolce! (“How sweet you are!” )Sei una bella ragazza/donna. (“You are a beautiful girl/woman!” )Che begli occhi! (“Nice eyes!” )Che bel sorriso! (“Beautiful smile!” )Sei molto simpatica! (“You are very nice!” )28 May 2020

How do you tell an Italian girl you love her?

Italian is a rich language, but even more so when it comes to expressing love .If youre going to declare your love for someone, you must know which pronoun to use:(io) mi amo → “I love myself”(io) ti amo → “I love you” (singular)(io) la amo → “I love her”(io) lo amo → “I love him”

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