Question: What does the date on the back of a Barbie mean?

The stamped date is actually the copyright date of a particular kind of doll body. The most common markings on Barbie dolls include ©1966, Mattel, Inc. and the name of the country where the doll was made. The confusion comes when people see this information and think theyve found a vintage Barbie doll.

How can you tell how old a Barbie doll is?

1:456:48How to know the age of your Barbie doll. Failed haul - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you look in the back of it. It says the same thing 1966 Mattel see lets do this one withMoreIf you look in the back of it. It says the same thing 1966 Mattel see lets do this one with phunsukh. Hair.

How do I know what Barbie doll I have?

Look at the Body On the back of most dolls, there is a marking with a year. This IS NOT the year the doll was produced, it is the year the BODY was first produced. Most dolls from the 2000s will use a 1999 body called the “Bend n Snap” body.

How can you tell if a Barbie is rare?

Even if a doll is in perfect condition, if the supply exceeds its demand on the market, it will likely be worth very little. Aside from rare collectors models, your Barbies age will be the most likely factor in determining its rarity; the older your doll is, the more rare it will probably be.

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