Test Overview The nuchal (say NEW-kuhl) translucency screening is a test done during pregnancy. It uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of the fluid buildup at the back of the developing babys neck. If this area is thicker than normal, it can be an early sign of Down syndrome, trisomy 18, or heart problems.
Should I worry about nuchal translucency screening?
A nuchal translucency screen is recommended for all pregnant women and is often one of several routine prenatal tests during the first trimester. Its ultimately up to you whether you have prenatal testing. The results can help you make prenatal care decisions.
How long does it take to get results from nuchal translucency test?
Your doctor will look at the results of the nuchal translucency test to see if the area of fluid buildup under the skin at the back of the babys neck is thicker than normal. You may not receive information about the test right away. Full results are usually available in 1 or 2 days.
What happens if NT scan is not normal?
As the NT increases, so does the chance of Downs syndrome and other chromosomal conditions. The baby with an NT of 6mm has a high chance of Downs syndrome, as well as other chromosomal and heart conditions . Its rare for babies to have as much fluid as this.
Can nuchal translucency go away?
Studies have shown that in normal fetuses the fluid collection known as NT increases with gestational age until about 13 weeks gestation3 and usually disappears after 14 weeks3, 4.
When does the nuchal scan have to be done?
The test is done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It may be done as part of the first trimester screening test or the integrated screening test. This test shows the chance that a baby may have a certain problem.
How often are NT scans wrong?
The accuracy rate of Nuchal Translucency (NT) ultrasound screening in identifying babies risk factors for chromosomal abnormalities is 70- to 75- percent when used as a standalone risk assessment with a five-percent false-positive rate.
Does a thick nuchal fold mean Down syndrome?
Many studies have shown that a thickened nuchal fold in a second-trimester fetus is a sonographic sign suggestive of a high risk for Down syndrome. These series have included fetuses already at risk for aneuploidy because of advanced maternal age or abnormal maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels.