Question: Why is it called Dutch dating?

The term stems from restaurant dining etiquette in the Western world, where each person pays for their meal. It is also called Dutch date, Dutch treat (the oldest form, a pejorative), and doing Dutch. A derivative is sharing Dutch, having a joint ownership of luxury goods.

What does splitting Dutch mean?

Technically, going Dutch means separate tabs, each person pays for himself or herself. Since, splitting the tab seems an easier practice than counting who ordered what its more common now to divvy up the amount equally.

How does go Dutch work?

goDutch is a new-age fintech app that powers group payments for millennials. Weve first-hand seen that group payments are very tedious - one person first pays on behalf of the entire group, then calculates and makes a note of who owes whom how much, and then individually reminds each person to pay back.

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