Question: Whats another word for cute for a guy?

What can I say instead of cute?

synonyms for cuteadorable.beautiful.charming.delightful.pleasant.pretty.dainty.

Can the word cute be used for guys?

As far as I know, a man can be described as both handsome and cute by a woman. A woman can be described as cute by a man, but never handsome, at least here in the United States. Apparently in England they have handsome women there.

How do you say cute in a cute way?

cuteendearing, adorable, lovable, sweet, lovely, appealing, engaging, delightful, dear, darling, winning, winsome, charming, enchanting.attractive, pretty, as pretty as a picture.chocolate-box.Scottish, Northern English bonny.informal cutesy, dinky, twee, pretty-pretty, adorbs.

Is being called cute by a guy a good thing?

Being cute also means youre really comfortable to be around – youre good fun and youre okay being silly. If a guy calls you cute, it tends to be because youre really easy to be around and hang out with. Cute women are sweet-natured and gentle individuals who are kind at heart.

How do you say someone is cute in slang?


What does a cute boy mean?

1 adj Something or someone that is cute is very pretty or attractive, or is intended to appear pretty or attractive. 2 adj If you describe someone as cute, you think they are sexually attractive.

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