Question: What should you do if you see your ex on tinder?

What do you do if you see your ex on the dating app?

If seeing your ex on a dating app is making you suddenly want to reconnect, try to think twice before trying to contact them. But if the urge persists, Dr. Klapow recommends asking yourself exactly why you want to reach out. “You should contact them because you want to, not because theyre on a dating app,” adds Dr.

How you should act when you see your ex?

Keep cool when you see your ex.Avoid trying to hide or pretend that your ex doesnt see you. If you both made eye contact, then your ex has seen you. Consider taking a minute if you can to calm yourself. Consider acknowledging the possible awkwardness of the situation when meeting your ex.

Should I get Tinder after a breakup?

Jumping on Tinder after a breakup can be a great way to remind someone that they are desirable and that there are plenty more fish in the sea, she says. Despite Tinders reputation as a massive sexfest, recent research revealed that most people on the app are actually looking for a relationship.

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