Question: What does SD stand for in slang?

SD means Secure Digital, So Drunk, and Social Drinker.

What does open to SD mean?

same-sex relationships A SD/SB relationship is usually when a couple from complete opposite sex contain a intimate romantic relationship. However , SD/SB stands for same-sex relationships. To paraphrase, how do sugar babies get paid when the two social gatherings have a sexual relationship, they will be thought to be dating.

What is SB in texting?

Short for snapback, SB is used on social media platform Snapchat for when you want a user to respond back to a snap, or “message.”

What does SD mean in social media?

First Definition for SD SD means Secure Digital (memory card type). This is the most common definition for SD on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

What is the SD quality?

SD or Standard Definition is the predecessor of HD or High Definition video and is characterized by the smaller 720 x 480 interlaced screen size 4:3 ratio and 480 lines of vertical resolution (720 x 576 PAL).

What is SB short for on Facebook?

SB means Soft Block, Somebody, and Snapback.

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