Question: What is forbidden in Orthodox Judaism?

Activities that are prohibited include driving, using any electric device, cooking, shopping or handling money. A Jewish person is not even allowed to carry any object outside of their home.

What food are Jews not forbidden?

Certain foods, notably pork, shellfish and almost all insects are forbidden; meat and dairy may not be combined and meat must be ritually slaughtered and salted to remove all traces of blood. Observant Jews will eat only meat or poultry that is certified kosher.

Why is lobster not kosher?

» Because the Torah allows eating only animals that both chew their cud and have cloven hooves, pork is prohibited. So are shellfish, lobsters, oysters, shrimp and clams, because the Old Testament says to eat only fish with fins and scales.

Why is crab not kosher?

Sea creatures that dont have fins and scales arent kosher. This includes shellfish, crabs, shrimp, and lobster. Only a few cheeses are kosher. Thats because they include an enzyme called rennet that comes from the stomachs of cows.

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