Question: Can you use tinder for free?

Is Tinder® free? Tinder® can be downloaded for free in the App Store and Google Play Store or visit to use Tinder for Web. Basic features let you create a profile, use the Swipe Right® feature to Like someone and use the Swipe Left™ feature to pass.

Do you have to pay to see matches on Tinder?

If youve been paying attention to the internet, you might have heard about a recent update with Tinder — called Tinder Gold — that allows you to see everybody who likes you before you liked them. Well, unfortunately, the answer is that you do, in fact, have to be paying for Tinder Gold to see who liked you.

Can we use Tinder for free?

Tinder is available for free in the App Store and Google Play Store, or visit to use Tinder for Web.

What is the trick to Tinder?

Top 10 Tinder Tips: How to get more matchesUse a simple bio. A few words are fine - Words that display who you really are. Show your personality through pictures. Have good-quality photos. Avoid too many group photos. Smile. Highlight your best features. Get Feedback. Use a professional.

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