Question: What does IMVU only mean?

IMVU means Instant Messaging Virtual Universe.

What is IMVU only?

IMVU is the only platform where users can dive into a 3D social network and begin chatting with friends, on their computer or mobile phone from wherever they are. And thats exactly what 7 million of them do each month.

What does IMVU mean in text message?

Definition. IMVU. In My Virtual Universe. IMVU. Instant Messaging Virtual Universe.

What is an IMVU noob?

A noob may be a person who is new on IMVU and just wears the same clothing that IMVU equipped your avatar with. This means anyone with a guest name who still wears the starter outfit that was given when they are no longer a new avatar.

What does ND mean in IMVU?

ND/sZ: No D/s Zone.

What does LMS mean in TikTok?

Like My Status is the most common definition for LMS on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. LMS. Definition: Like My Status.

What is S P medical abbreviation?

Status post Status post (S/P) is a term used in medicine to refer to a treatment (often a surgical procedure), diagnosis or just an event, that a patient has experienced previously, for example, status post cholecystectomy, S/P vaginal delivery, etc.

What does the P stand for in s p?

status post Abbreviation for status post.

What is BC Price?

BC Meaning in Price - What does BC mean? The meaning of BC is Budget Constraint and other meanings are located at the bottom which take place within Price terminology and BC has 1 different meaning.

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