Question: Is it OK to date multiple guys at the same time?

Dating more than one person is a good thing and something that should be part of your dating life. It is a great way to really take the time to understand what you want in another person — and to know when you have found it.

Should I date Multiple Guys?

Dating Multiple People: The Pros But online dating expert Benjamin Daly believes, so long as youre being safe, its good to date around. “Its similar to finding a job – youre putting yourself out there, seeing whats available, until you eventually find someone or something worth committing to,” Daly tells me.

Is it cheating to date two guys at the same time?

The dating phase shouldnt last very long. If you are dating two people at once and you are behaving respectfully and morally with each of them, you arent cheating on anyone. First, the period of dating two people at once shouldnt last very long.

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