Question: What model is my vintage Singer sewing machine?

To identify when a model was made, you need to first find the Singer sewing machine serial number. Its near the on/off switch on newer machines, and on the front panel or on a small plate on older machines. Once youve found the number, match it to the date in the chart below to discover the age of your machine.

How do I find the model of my Singer sewing machine?

Look for the model number of your Singer sewing machine on the handwheel of the machine. This is located near the electric cord receptacle and close to the on/off switch for machines that were manufactured from 1990 onward. You may see the word Model followed by four numbers.

Is Singer 15 91 A good machine?

But every time I sit down to test a 15-91 I realize that this is the one I love the best. Not only is the 15-91 beautiful to look at, its crafted from nearly indestructible steel. The rear-mounted potted motor and steel worm gears add up to tremendous punching power. It doesnt slip, stall, jam, or bog down.

What year is a singer 15-91?

The 15-91 was manufactured between 1930 and 1956, and this is where we see the introduction of the potted electric motor. Something you can see noted in the diagram below.

Is Singer 15-91 A good machine?

But every time I sit down to test a 15-91 I realize that this is the one I love the best. Not only is the 15-91 beautiful to look at, its crafted from nearly indestructible steel. The rear-mounted potted motor and steel worm gears add up to tremendous punching power. It doesnt slip, stall, jam, or bog down.

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