Question: When is relationship between soldiers of different rank prohibited?

AR 600-20 prohibits relationships between soldiers of different ranks which: (1) Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command. (2) Cause actual or perceived partiality or unfairness.

Can NCOs date other NCOs?

Certain types of personal relationships between officers and enlisted Soldiers, or NCOs and junior enlisted Soldiers, are prohibited. Prohibited relationships include the following: (1) Ongoing business relationships between officers and enlisted personnel, or NCOs and junior enlisted Soldiers.

Can enlisted Date officer different branch?

Those engaging in fraternization can be brought up on Uniform Code Military Justice (UCMJ) charges. A relationship is considered fraternization even if the parties are in different units, different commands, or even different branches of service. In short, it extends to all officer/enlisted relationships.

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