Question: Is there a relationship between age and bruises?

Does bruising increase with age?

People tend to bruise more easily as they age because blood vessels become weaker and the skin thins. Easy bruising may also run in families, so people whose relatives bruise easily may notice that they do as well.

Can you age bruises?

Conclusion: A bruise cannot accurately be aged from clinical assessment in vivo or on a photograph. At this point in time the practice of estimating the age of a bruise from its colour has no scientific basis and should be avoided in child protection proceedings.

What causes seniors to bruise easily?

Why aging skin bruises easily Fragile skin is a common problem in older adults because skin cells divide more slowly, and skin begins to thin. Aging, sun exposure, and genetics all play a role in thinning of the skin. In the elderly, skin retains less moisture and loses its elasticity.

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