After three auctions scheduled in May and June for tools, fixtures and other items, the factory will be demolished later this year to make room for a new school. Fenton said the Fenton Art Glass Co. is no longer active. factory operated for over a century in Williamstown, before closing in 2011.
Who makes Fenton Glass now?
After 100 years in business, Fenton Art Glass shuttered its glass making plant in 2011. Afterward, another Ohio glassmaker acquired the molds and currently produces an assortment of Fenton-stamped collectibles. The Fenton Gift Shop in Williamstown, West Virginia carries the newly minted “Fenton” products.
Why did Fenton Glass go out of business?
Due to ongoing financial problems, they had to lay off many of their employees, and at last they were forced to announce the closure of Fenton Art Glasss traditional glass products.
Where is Fenton Glass made today?
The Fenton factory is built in Williamstown, West Virginia. The first piece made on January 2, 1907, is a crystal cream pitcher with a Water Lily and Cattails pattern. Jacob Rosenthal is the factory manager and glass chemist.
Is Fenton made in China?
We used to go there as children - and still visit whenever were down home. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find any good Fenton originals. And what is more disconcerting is that the Fenton gift store is stocked primarily with glass made in China.
How can you tell real Fenton glass?
Fenton uses snap rings, so most of their pieces will not have a pontil mark.Pontil marks might look like a chip in the glass, a bumpy lump, or a dimple in the bottom of the glass.Fenton has created some offhand glass pieces which do have a pontil mark.
What is the Fenton glass Mark?
A pontil mark is a mark on the bottom of an item where the punty rod was attached during the glass making process. Pontil marks can look like a rough broken chipped mark, a bumpy lump, or a polished concave dimple. Fenton uses snap rings to hold their bases while working with glass rather than punty rods.