Question: Do blind dates actually work?

Although good things can happen on a blind date, have in mind that not everything can work out well in the end. So, it is no surprise that many people share the opinion that a blind date can be a disaster and recommend that you completely avoid it if that is possible.

How do you have a good blind date?

Caption OptionsOpen your mind. You cant know everything about a person up front, so dont be quick to judge. Dont complain. Stay positive and keep things light. Watch the alcohol. Leave your insecurities at home. Try something new or weird. Find the funny. Learn more. Get up and do something.Apr 14, 2010

What should I do on a blind date?

Caption OptionsOpen your mind. You cant know everything about a person up front, so dont be quick to judge. Dont complain. Stay positive and keep things light. Watch the alcohol. Leave your insecurities at home. Try something new or weird. Find the funny. Learn more. Get up and do something.Apr 14, 2010

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