Question: Where do Geminis like to be touched?

Arms. As the ruler of the arms, Geminis arms are another extra sensitive spot on their body. According to Solari, Geminis love being touched and massaged on their arms. Casually running a finger down their arm while you flirt with them is a great way to stimulate their senses.

Do Geminis like being hugged?

Geminis have a fun and flirty nature but still are strong believers of no-cuddling. Sure, they love to love, but physical affection isnt really their forte. They might be great with their tongues but have sloppy hands.

Are Geminis good at flirting?

Friendliness. Geminis are often called out for their flirtatious nature, but Geminis will often flirt harmlessly. They will be the sign that makes flirting acceptable because it is usually an aspect of the complex, Gemini personality. Geminis, on their best behavior, are charming and well-mannered.

Why are Geminis so bad?

They love to gossip about others and want to be the centre of attention always. Geminis always have different exciting stories to share with their friends which help them to be in the spotlight easily. But Gemini often is disliked by others mostly because of their two-faced character.

Why are Geminis so special?

As an air sign, Geminis are best known for their intelligence and their active minds. They love to think, they love to learn and they never stop wondering about the unexplained possibilities of the universe. Geminis also understand and read people well.

Why are Geminis so good at flirting?

Their ruling planet, Mercury, makes them strong communicators which calibrates their intense energy to fit the situation theyre in and the people theyre with. Their combination of qualities makes Geminis expert flirts; Geminis want to make new connections and theyre very good at doing so.

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